So Colby and his friend Taylor Giles were out jumping bikes and trying to get some gnarly footage of the action when Colby got a little out of control and had a wipe out of the major kind.
Colby of course took the injuries like a man. We here in the Savage household live by the motto "Chicks dig scars"
Thanks to Taylor for the video footage that you are about to see.
Warning - This video may not be suitable for all audience. Parental discretion is advised.
P.S. Colby said "Don't try this at home!!!"
I'm glad the injuries weren't to extensive! Was your Dad home to adminster first aid?
Thanks Heather, I don't know you, yet, but thanks for the blog. We are Taylor's grandparents, and totally knew Taylor's actions were genuine when the camera went skeewampus, and he said with concern, "Colby are you okay?" We have heard him say those words with that same concern many times in the past (just using a different name of course). Thanks again.
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